1985 Earthquake
Ruins from buildings devastated during the 1985 Mexico City earthquake. These ruins were brought to Lake Texcoco and deposited in its premises, in order to level its sinking, muddy basin.
The Government's Projects
Ruins, rubble, geological and biological materials, pointing at the existence of various projects developed by the Mexican government on Lake Texcoco’s basin. These projects were not brought to completion, aborted, or abandoned on the lake’s grounds: an ecological park, infrastructure works, a water treatment plant, agricultural projects, among others.
The Eviction
Debris of houses which occupied Hidalgo y Carrizo, a rural property recently annexed to Lake Texcoco’s premises. These houses were evicted and demolished by the Mexican government: the legitimacy of said eviction remains unresolved.
The Future Airport
Debris from the Mexican government’s presence in an extension of land, which belonged to Lake Texcoco up to 2014. Such land was yielded as the site for Mexico City’s future airport, which will become the largest development project in the region to this day. The airport has been criticized for its elevated costs, its technical viability, and its social and environmental impact.