The Living Displays of Lake Texcoco: An Animist Museology. Artistic research as indiscipline? Methodologies in construction and reconstruction
The Animist Museum of Lake Texcoco: Environmental Entanglements in Central Mexico. International Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Science Volume 01; Issue no 01
Thinking the Animist Museum of Lake Texcoco: Politics and Poetics of an Animist Museology. El Ornitorrinco Tachado Magazine, No. 8
Water, Concrete and Ruin. Excerpts from the Encyclopedia of Living and Dead Things: Lake Texcoco. Dossier ERRATA# 18
Escala de grises: el desalojo del predio Hidalgo y Carrizo. Islario, Número 1
Animist Museum of Lake Texcoco: Reverting its Desiccation. Fernando Pichardo. GasTV
The Other Lives of Lake Texcoco. Emilio Rivaud Delgado. Letras Libres
Lake Texcoco: Encyclopedia of Things Living and Dead. Gazing the sunset of a lake. Alberto Constante. Reflexiones Marginales No. 58