Hidden among hundreds of files in the Lake Texcoco Library, located in the Conagua branch by the Forest of San Juan de Aragón, there is a document dated in 1985, typewritten on once-white paper. This document belongs to a heap of binders, bound notebooks, and books enthusiastically published during the first decade of the instatement of the Lake Texcoco’s Federal Enclosure. It was then still an area open for potentially infinite developments. The acid of the fiber has reacted to thirty years of sunlight and heat, turning the pages yellow and blurring the ink. On the cover, there is a dedication written in blue ink: “With sincere esteem. For Mr. Gerardo Cruikshanck, hoping this book is of his liking and use.” Cruikshanck, heir of engineer Nabor Carrillo’s ideas, fostered the project of ecological recovery of Lake Texcoco’s basin in the 70s. This project included sowing a vegetal layer on the lakebed, which took decades to grow and settle in. The architect writing the dedication imagines the construction of a water resort in the middle of Lake Texcoco: a place with pools, gardens, cafeterias, party halls, parking lots, and an ongoing flux of visitors arriving from the city each weekend to spend the night in cabins by the Nabor Carrillo Reservoir. [...]
A few birds land on the water. Far away, a yellow mist blurs the volcanoes. Tláloc Hill stands out like a dark mass. Up closer, the “Chimalli Warrior,” an immense red metal statue, stands upright among small houses and buildings. The water ripples in slight furrows that rise and sink. The water reservoir looks big from this standpoint. It smells of sea, although the closest ocean is hundreds of miles away. It also smells like rotten algae, piled on the shore like layers of green moss. The water is a bit murky, like a silver mirror covered with vapor and fingerprints. The wind blows, dishevels and whizzes through some pines planted in rows on the other side of the road. At ground level, insects noisily jump from place to place, restless because of the stampede of human boots that has crossed the meadow. The grass covers patches of ground while others are bare. In the open, where there’s no weed, layers of white salt cover the earth. [...]
The Magdalena Mixhuca Sports Complex, in Mexico City, takes up several blocks of the Granjas neighborhood, and adjoins three different subway stations of line 9. A racetrack, a forum, a football field, and possibly a pool and other sports courts are located within its perimeter. Inside, there is also a PEMEX restricted area: a patch of land closed-off by gray, dark fences, hiding a great infrastructural work in the middle of the sports fields. In the southern edge of the Sports Complex there is a white tower with metal scaffolding some twenty meters high. The PEMEX logo is stamped on it in green and red letters. When walking by the gray fence, you can hear the hum of working machines. Work sites can be glimpsed through the holes of the main gate. [...]
Lake Texcoco’s land is not an even plateau: comprised of multiple overlapping formations, it is a spread made from shreds of different grounds, diverse vegetation forms, different salt concentrations in the soil, and traces of several dwelling sites on the ground surface. Among them are thin layers of rubble, trash, displaced water, cement planks, and other synthetic matter. Little by little, these materials have naturalized, mixing in with the native elements preceding them. They colored the land with new hues. The volcanic stone, extracted from the ground layer, is located under the lacustrine mud. The latter is the last material layer remaining from the ancient lake. The volcanic stone is also extracted from neighboring hills, and has been used to build trails throughout Lake Texcoco’s plateau. These porous, light, hard stones are sometimes black like the entrails of the Popocatépetl volcano, and sometimes red like the rust of ferrous metals. On the shores of the Nabor Carrillo Reservoir, the volcanic rocks have piled in a precariously-balanced levee framing the great span of processed water. The black widows live under these rocks: in the gap between two stones about to touch, the most poisonous spider in the Valley of Mexico builds its nest, lays eggs, and dies. [...]
In Russian director Andrei Tarkovski’s Stalker, three men sneak into a restricted zone guarded by the military and sturdy metal fences. Inside this area, the men discover a realm different from the outside: a changing territory that unveils as they wander in. As they enter, the travelers find rusty carcasses of war tanks, bunkers flooded by water torrents, and bare-wall places where there are fragments of furniture, rubble, and objects. A few times, they cross a thick vegetation filling the ventilation ducts of the otherwise deserted structures. The material remains of human occupation can’t be located in time: they’re covered in moss, rust, dirt, or appear at the bottom of water ponds, lined with algae. The immersion in this “zone” reveals it to be different each time because it is, in a certain sense, alive: the layers of vegetation and ruin interweave in a series of shape-shifting labyrinths. These mazes constantly re-draw their structure, and can’t be crossed in a straight line. [...]
In the years prior to the rollout of the Lake Texcoco Ecological Park project, many thesis projects arrived from different Mexican universities to the National Water Commission, in the shape of bound, numbered, typewritten manuscripts. These projects sought to rehabilitate thousands of hectares of dried-out lake lands, in the form of real estate developments, commercial complexes, or touristic infrastructure. On the cover of one of them, there’s the drawing of an elephant surrounded by the silhouettes of three flying birds. Under it, in thick letters without serifs, reads the word “ZOOPOLIS.” The following pages explain the plan for the creation of a zoo in Lake Texcoco’s land. It was followed by a list of buildings to be built and the corresponding arrangements, depending on the kind of animal it should shelter: meadows for hoofed animals to run, with gaps between species; rocky hillsides for goats and sheep; plateaus for ostriches and cassowaries; indoors aviaries for parrots, hummingbirds, doves, and weavers; ponds, boulders, and swamps for flamingos and pelicans; cages for vultures, condors, and eagles; a herpetarium for reptiles, with heating and air conditioning; a house for insects; exotarium, tropicarium, a facility for young animals, and a nursery. [...]
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